The Beautiful Monster Called Love
THE BEAUTIFUL MONSTER CALLED LOVE You are the mystery unknown Fiercer than the blazing sun Tender as the morning dew Su…
THE BEAUTIFUL MONSTER CALLED LOVE You are the mystery unknown Fiercer than the blazing sun Tender as the morning dew Su…
*FOR SCARREDPOET ON HIS BIRTHDAY* Let us break kola over these kegs of palm wine Let the dancers prod the Aren…
Sometimes unanswered prayers are God's greatest gifts. If all our prayers are answered, we may end up missing God…
Sometimes unanswered prayers are God's greatest gifts. If all our prayers are answered, we may end up missing God…
The Lingering Scent of Fakindi War "During the days of Akimba Things were different Boys travel down to the sacred…
This is Destiny When it was three days Before Sosa festival Bambili invited me to his room He sat on his old wooden bed…
Idylls of Love ___Part 4 (Has Time done this Injustice?) "I've heard too many weird stories About the yonder c…
Idylls of Love ___Part 3 (Long Road from Home) My gaze went from your watery eyes To the green grass upon which we stoo…
Idylls of Love ___Part Two (The Last Tryst ) Could it be love That placed your face everywhere I turned? Could it be l…
Now if I ask you, what conditions must be in place for a suckling or baby to become a full grown man, you won't th…
Little Evelyn Little Evelyn Chuckling when no joke is made Dragging everyone's thumbs to the mouth Your mother …
Rain from the Cloudless Sky When on the tempestuous sea of life The ship of your soul sails When the only path upon …
Orekelewa! The beautiful angel With dazzling eyes like the stars Her hair black, full and fresh Stretch down the ho…
To a Young Child Life had taken us this far From the comfort of the cradle To the glades of conflicts Our …
A Poet is Who I Am I've been taught to pronounce my name And that will I do without any shame I've be…
The wind blows bellow my hind The rain smoulders my pains The leafs of depression are still green Fertiled by …
I Am a Dreamer Too The heat of the morning sun Devours my flesh As hot perspiration boils out of its furrows I…
Winks of Life Times are when life winks And changes garment at will Turning on one side Brings bliss and peace Fla…
You the quiet messenger The custodian of the final gate of life A friend called enemy A brother called bastard …