Senegal poetry

The Vultures by David Diop

In those days When civilization kicked us in the face When holy water slapped our cringing brows The vultures built i…

Africa my Africa by David Biop

Africa my Africa Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannahs Africa of whom my grandmother sings On the banks of …

The Renegade by David Diop

My brother you flash your teeth in response to every hypocrisy My brother with gold-rimmed glasses You give your mast…

Your Presence by David Diop

In your presence I rediscovered my name My name that was hidden under the pain of separation I rediscovered the eyes no…

Listen Comrades by David Diop

Listen comrades of the struggling centuries To the keen clamour of the Negro from Africa to the Americas They have ki…

Ball by Birgo Diop

A scroll of blue, an exquisite thought Moves upwards in a secret accord And the gentle pink explosion the shade filte…

Vanity by Birago Diop

If we tell, gently, gently All that we shall one day have to tell, Who then will hear our voices without laughter, Sad …

Diptych by Birago Diop

The Sun hung by a thread In the depths of the Calabash dyed indigo Boils the great Pot of Day. Fearful of the approac…

New York by Leopold Sedar Senghor

New York! At first I was confused by your beauty, by those great golden long-legged girls. So shy at first before you…

What Dark Tempestuous Night

What dark tempestuous night has been hiding your face? And what claps of thunder frighten you from the bed When the f…

Visit by Leopold Sédar Senghor

dream in the intimate semi-darkness of an afternoon. I am visited by the fatigues of the day, The deceased of the yea…

Blues by Léopold Sédar Senghor

The spring has swept the ice from all my frozen rivers My young sap trembles at the first caresses along the tender b…

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