Life wisdom

Man is not Naturally Perfect

MAN IS NOT NATURALLY PERFECT Anyone who loves instruction loves knowledge: but he that hates reproof is bruti…

Your Will Alone be Done

Sometimes unanswered prayers are God's greatest gifts. If all our prayers are answered, we may end up missing God&#…

Your Will Alone be Done

Sometimes unanswered prayers are God's greatest gifts. If all our prayers are answered, we may end up missing God&#…

Time: ☀Quote of the Day☀

☀Quote of the Day ☀ Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will…

☀Quote of the Day☀

☀Quote of the Day☀

☀Quote of the Day☀ 💐Mistakes, Failures, Insult, Frustration and Rejection are part of Growth and Progress! ✨Nobody ev…


☀Quote of the Day☀ ☀We are humans, we are not perfect. We try things, make mistakes, stumble and fall. We get hurt, bu…

The Fear of Love

The fear of love or emotional relationship is called aphenphosmphobia I've seen more people suffer the pangs of lo…

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