18 Key Points on How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes

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How to Talk to Anyone - 92 Little Tricks is a book that provides readers with 92 tricks to improve their communication skills. Leil Lowndes observed successful communicators and analyzed their techniques to create easy-to-do tricks that others can use.


The importance of first impressions is emphasized, with appearance and body language making up a significant portion of how people perceive others. Dale Carnegie's advice to smile is updated to suggest a more potent, enriched smile.


Eye contact is a powerful tool in communication, with techniques like Sticky Eyes and Epoxy Eyes being used to increase heart rate and create a physical reaction similar to falling in love. Good posture and avoiding fidgeting are also important in projecting confidence.


Parroting is a technique used by salespeople to pry open people's real feelings and emotional objections. By repeating the prospect's words, the salesperson can establish rapport and gain insight into their needs and concerns. This technique is discussed on page 56.


The technique of getting someone to happily chat involves asking open-ended questions and actively listening to their responses. By showing genuine interest and asking follow-up questions, you can encourage the other person to open up and share more about themselves. This technique is discussed on page 57.


The Scramble Therapy technique involves learning insider opening questions for a variety of interests and fields. By asking these questions, you can demonstrate knowledgeable curiosity and engage in meaningful conversations with people from different backgrounds. This technique is discussed on page 93.


The technique of Baring Their Hot Button involves asking questions that tap into someone's passions and interests. By showing genuine interest in their hobbies or work, you can establish rapport and build a connection with the other person. This technique is discussed on page 97.


Matching your personality to your product is a key strategy for salespeople and marketers. By understanding the values and preferences of your target audience, you can tailor your messaging and presentation to resonate with them. This technique is discussed on page 110.


In America, there are thousands of different words depending on region, interests, and upbringing. This shows the importance of understanding dialects and using language that resonates with the listener.


Using empathizers, short and supportive statements, can help build rapport with customers and show that you are a problem solver. It is important to listen and match empathizers to the current sense someone is talking through.


Compliments can be a powerful tool, but it is important to use them skillfully. The Killer Compliment, commenting on a specific quality, can be effective, but it must be used correctly to avoid backfiring. Accidental Adulation and Itty-Bitty Boosters are other techniques to use when appropriate.


Phone conversations require different techniques to build rapport and keep attention. Using Talking Gestures, using the person's name, and asking about timing can all be effective. It is also important to leave a professional and friendly outgoing message.


The Six-Point Party Checklist, focusing on who, when, what, why, where, and how, can help navigate social situations and work a room like a politician. Making a great entrance and eating before the party can also be effective techniques.


People instinctively gravitate towards open palms and wrists seductively arranged in the come hither position. This is a subliminal way to communicate acceptance, honesty, and even sexiness.


Politicians remember many facts about many people by using a technique called tracking. They keep detailed records of important contacts' lives and use this information to build relationships and gain support.


Eyeball Selling is a super sales technique used by politicians and successful salespeople. It involves watching the angle of a prospect's head position to determine their level of interest and adjusting the sales pitch accordingly. The body must be open before the mind can follow.


Big winners make a point to remember minute details of important contacts' lives. They use this information to build relationships and gain support. When asking someone for a favor, it's important to let them know how much it means to you and to be upfront about what's in it for you.


There are three sacred safe havens in the human jungle where even the toughest tiger knows he must not attack: parties, brainstorming sessions, and meals. Big players know how people handle themselves at a social occasion is an accurate barometer of their big-business muscle.


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