Analysis of In the Beginning by Niyi Osundare

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 General Introduction 

"In the Beginning," one of the poems in The Eyes of the Earth by Niyi Osundare, offers a unique perspective on creation, challenging the traditional Judeo-Christian concept of the "Word" as the origin of everything. The poem explores the power of the "Word" as a creative force, but also positions it within a broader context.


 Challenging the Creation Myth: The poem subverts the opening line of the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Osundare declares, "In the Beginning was not the Word / In the Word was the Beginning." This reversal suggests that the "Word" is not the sole source of creation, but rather a tool or manifestation within a larger process.

 Power of the Word: Despite the opening challenge, the poem acknowledges the immense power of the "Word." Osundare describes it as life, death, silence, and song, encompassing the vastness of creation. 

 Focus on Humanity and Action: The poem places emphasis on human action and creativity as vital aspects of the ongoing process of creation. The line "The Word seeks anchorage in the human tongue" suggests that the "Word" finds expression and meaning through human actions and communication.

Structure and Techniques

The poem is relatively short and utilizes free verse, allowing for a focused exploration of the main theme.

 Juxtaposition: The opening line immediately sets up a juxtaposition against the biblical text, grabbing the reader's attention.

 Repetition: Repetition of the word "Word" throughout the poem emphasizes its importance as a creative force.

 Metaphor: The "Word" is used metaphorically to represent creativity, communication, and the expression of ideas.


 The poem can be seen as a celebration of human creativity and the power of language to shape the world. 

 It might be a call for a more inclusive understanding of creation, acknowledging forces beyond the singular "Word." 

 On a personal level, the poem could encourage readers to use their voices and actions to contribute to the ongoing process of creation. 

In Conclusion

"In the Beginning" is a thought-provoking poem that challenges traditional views on creation and highlights the power of human expression. It presents the "Word" as a crucial element, but within a broader context that acknowledges human agency and the ongoing dynamism of creation.

Further Exploration

  Explore Osundare's other poems in his collection "The Word is an Egg" to see how the concept of "Word" and creation is developed further.

 Research the concept of oral tradition in African cultures to understand how the "Word" might hold a different significance compared to written scripture. 

 Consider how the poem resonates with contemporary ideas about co-creation and the interconnectedness of all things. 

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