Analysis of Elegy for Lekan by Niyi Osundare

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General Introduction 

"Elegy for Lekan" by Niyi Osundare is a poignant lament for Lekan Shango, a young Nigerian man who died during a violent clash. The poem serves as a powerful critique of social injustice and police brutality, while also mourning the loss of a potential-filled life.


 Social Injustice: The poem is a strong condemnation of the societal conditions that lead to a young man's death. Osundare criticizes a system that allows violence and offers no bright future for many young Nigerians.

 Police Brutality: The poem likely references a specific incident of police violence that led to Lekan's death. Osundare criticizes the abuse of power and the disregard for human life.

 Loss and Grief: The poem expresses deep sorrow for Lekan's passing. Osundare mourns the loss of a young man with a future ahead of him.

Structure and Techniques

The poem utilizes a formal elegy structure with a melancholic tone.

 Formal Structure: The poem might have a regular rhyme scheme and meter, characteristics common in elegies. 

 Pathetic Fallacy: Osundare might use pathetic fallacy, attributing human emotions to nature, to reflect the universal grief over Lekan's death. 

 Juxtaposition: The poem may juxtapose images of Lekan's potential and the harsh reality of his death, highlighting the loss. 

 Rhetorical Questions: The use of rhetorical questions can express outrage and a search for meaning in Lekan's death.


 The poem can be seen as a memorial to Lekan Shango and a call for justice in his name.

 It can serve as a broader critique of social inequality and violence in Nigeria.

 "Elegy for Lekan" might also be a reminder of the importance of young lives and the need to create a safer future.

In Conclusion

"Elegy for Lekan" is a moving tribute that mourns the death of a young man while condemning the circumstances that led to it. The poem serves as a powerful call for social change and a reminder of the human cost of violence.

Further Exploration

 Research the specific incident or social unrest that might have inspired the poem to understand its deeper context.

 Explore Osundare's other poems with themes of social justice and activism, such as "The Mandikal Gunshot" or "Letter to June 12."  

 Consider how the poem resonates with issues of police brutality or youth violence on a global scale. 

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