The Day Lamorin was Murdered

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 The Day Lamorin was Murdered

We walked in silence along the bushy path, the evening Lamorin was murdered. It was not the first time that someone had been killed, but this time it was different. Lamorin, a young doctor who had just returned home from lands beyond the oceans, laden with Western accolades, had become a victim. His head was removed, and his private parts butchered, leaving the community in fear and despair.

Gone were the days when fear was only the color of nights; now, even the days were not safe. As I stood there, my father spoke to me and said:

"Once upon a time, lies were told in secret, innocence was the bracelets of childhood, and love was the bead around the waist of our youths. The grey hair of the elders was their cap of wisdom, and peace swept down from the seven mountains, encamping us across our happy roofs. Cowries were everywhere like sands that canopied the shore."

“In those days, the wind bellowed with freshness, the rain showered with abundance, and the leaves were green, and the rivers clean. Hunters danced home with shoulders burdened with antelopes, while farmers sang home with baskets full of yams.”

“But now, the howl of life has cried, and the magistrates of time are blind. In the darkness of these witching hours, the feet of doom-dancers are gathered to sway to the rhythm of our downfall. This could be the price we must pay for letting the hands of strangers draw the lines of our lives, or the punishment we must endure for allowing foreigners to define who we are.”

“The hands of the child are no longer stained with the dust of ignorance but are adorned with the blood of their kinsmen. The hunger for life has invited the tyranny of death, and the elders are the ones negotiating at the tables of the devil. Kings have made pacts with lions, and the fate of infants who cannot defend themselves against the selfishness of the "gods" is uncertain.”

“This land quivers in resounding echoes of the thundering fall of the giants, and this is just the beginning of the ending. It is the conspiracy of the ages that can neither be forgiven nor forgotten.”

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