My Flight of Freedom by Olatuja Oloyede

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 My Flight of Freedom

My name is Daffy, that was what my owner calls me. As a pet bird, I had grown accustomed to the confines of my cage. My owner provided me with food, water, and plenty of toys to keep me occupied. I would spend my days chirping, singing, and playing, watching the world outside my cage with envy.

But one day, something strange happened. My owner forgot to latch the door of my cage, and I found myself suddenly free. At first, I was hesitant to leave the comfort of my home. But then, something inside me urged me to take flight and explore the world outside.

With a flutter of my wings, I soared out of my cage and into the great unknown. The world outside was vast and full of wonder. The air was crisp and fresh, and the sun shone down on me, warming my feathers.

As I flew higher and higher, I could see for miles around me. I saw trees, rivers, and fields of grass, all of which seemed to stretch out to the horizon. The world was so much bigger than I had ever imagined, and I felt a sense of freedom that I had never known before.

For hours, I soared through the sky, exploring every nook and cranny of the world around me. I visited cities and towns, watching people go about their daily lives. I saw other birds flying in the sky, and I felt a sense of kinship with them.

But eventually, the sun began to set, and I knew it was time to return home. As I flew back to my cage, I felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was excited to have seen the world outside my cage. But on the other hand, I realized that my cage was my home, and I was grateful for the safety and security it provided.

As I settled back into my cage for the night, I knew that I would never forget the sense of freedom I had felt during my flight. It was a reminder that there was so much more to life than the confines of my cage, and that the world was full of wonder and adventure.

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