Celebrate Yourself

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Celebrate Yourself

It is quite common among Christians to sing the praises and accomplishments of others while deliberately ignoring the testimonies of God’s goodness and faithfulness in their lives. We applaud others, waiting for them to discover and celebrate us. Some people refer to this as a culture of humility or modesty. However, when nobody notices us, we become disappointed and discouraged. While it may be good to celebrate others, it could be very dangerous to consistently undervalue yourself or discredit your own accomplishments. First, may I tell you that this doctrine of underestimating yourself while seeking people’s approval is not only unscriptural; it also endangers the plans of God for your life.

Among the successful Apostles of the New Covenant, Apostle Paul was the most outstanding. In 1 Corinthians 25: 10, he says “by the grace of God, I am what I am.” Also in 1 Philippians 4: 13, he wrote “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” Brother Paul wasn’t a boastful person; but occasionally, he celebrates himself and what the grace of God had helped him to accomplish. He says it clearly in Galatians 1: 10 that he is not seeking the approval of man. He won’t even allow other people to define him. He understood perfectly who he was and will not wait for the admiration of anyone.

You see, when you persistently wait for others to sing your praise and tell you how good you are, you are damaging your self confidence and transferring the power of your productivity to others. No wonder we have so many people struggling because of low self-esteem in the society today. Certainly, God do not want you to wait for anybody’s approval when He calls you the apple of His eyes in Zachariah 2: 8 and Psalm 17: 8. In 1 Peter 2: 9, you are called the Lord’s Chosen, royal and holy, God’s special possession.

You have the right to be proud of yourself. People do not necessarily have to see it or understand why. They should not determine how you see yourself. You deserve to celebrate who you are and what you are. This is not pride; it is actually part of the winning strategy in life. The Spirit God has given to you is not that of timidity but of power (2 Timothy 1: 7). Rise, therefore, in the confidence of who you are, knowing without any iota of doubt that you are “fearfully and wonderfully, made” (Psalm 139:14). 

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