Paradise lost
They said!
Creation's myth breathe
Clay we were at first
When He moulded a form
'nd breathe life with a missing rib
I ask!
Did I request thee,maker
To mould me Man,
Did I solicit thee!
From darkness to promote me?
Akunlegba! Akunleyan!
Your will for mine
Your image for mine
I am nought, but pawn in your hands
Ye that sedated Adam
'nd removed a rib from him
Without asking, "May I? "
Giving him his "Achilles heel"
All powerful and unquestionable
I was but nought before life
Why give life, while death lurks behind
Why choose "I" to be a pawn in thy hands.
Akunleyan &Akunlegba -Yoruba philosophies that explains human predestination
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