Lionness and Dolphin

Lioness and dolphin Couldn't have a clear picture here... Actually, this female lion I saw and the dolphin too w…

Donkey and the Horse

The Horse This is indeed a beautiful creature. I love horses actually and though this is not my first time of seeing…

Donkey and the Horse

The Horse This is indeed a beautiful creature. I love horses actually and though this is not my first time of …

The Desert Carmel

The Desert Carmal I've never seen this before actually. The dazzling height of this gentle animal will mak…

Tortoise of 176 years old

176 years old tortoise Wait a moment, who is the oldest dude on earth now? Guess that Italian guy right?. We…

Falcon and Hawk

The Hawk (ASA) and the Falcon Hawk Then the hawk. Hawk is called Asa in my indigenous language (Yor…

With the Monitor Lizard

The Monitor Lizard (Just like an Alligator) I forgot to mention that crocodiles are the largest reptiles walking thi…

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