Moody and the Dying Soldier

BELIEVE. Moody and the Dying Soldier. After the battle of Pittsburgh Landing and Murfreesboro’ I was in a hos…

He Will Not Rest

“He Will Not Rest.” Suppose a man is going to Cincinnati, and he gets on the cars, but he feels uneasy lest, the t…


ASSURANCE. Napoleon and the Private. It is said of Napoleon that while he was reviewing his army one day, his…

Ever faithful

No matter how low down you are; no matter what your disposition has been; you may be low in your thoughts, words, and a…

The Place of Safety

The Place of Safety. My friends, there is one spot on earth where the fear or Death, of Sin, and of Judgment, need ne…

Father, Father, Come this Way

“Father, Father, Come This Way.” I remember a number of years ago I went out of Chicago to try to preach. I went down…

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