Kenya Poetry

The Celebration by Felix Mnthali,

Before bulging eyes a cocoon breaks and its worm spits the venom of vipers! Gliding kingfishers muster the fury of a ha…

The Bride by Maina wa Kinyatti,

The smell of the toilet bucket was sharp The air in the cell was boiling hot My body was bathing in sweat I woke up i…

The Village by Marina Gashe

Kanyariri, Village of Toil, Village of unending work. Like a never dying spring, Old women dark and bent Trudge along…

Wife of the Husband by Micere Githae Mugo

His snores protect the sleeping hut but the day’s load and the morrow’s burden weigh heavily over the stooping mother…

I Want You to Know by Micere Githae Mugo

I want you to know how carefully I watered the tender shoots you planted in my little garden. Flowers now adorn the g…

Request by Jared Angira

Open your palms to form a jar and pour there water to quench the thirst Open your throat and form a fan to blow it over…

Manna by Jared Angira

So all waited for manna In the orange dawn And let their feet Crack in the dew No one bothered to ask The labourers T…

If by Jared Angira

a squirre l crosses my way while on a trip then luck is mine but when it’s a cheetah or wild cat that crosses there I…

Death of a Chief by Khadambi Asalache.

pavements lined sorrowful silence tears the coffin off to somewhere in black behind it the entire district involved i…

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