Full Story of Joseph Ayo Babalola's and Ministry
I. Introduction A. Early Life and Background Joseph Ayo Babalola was born on April 25, 1904, in Odo-Owa, a to…
I. Introduction A. Early Life and Background Joseph Ayo Babalola was born on April 25, 1904, in Odo-Owa, a to…
Kissing the Stakes On September 28, Latimer and Ridley were brought to trial again; when the priests demanded…
SUNDAY AWODI REST IN PEACE In the quietness of the hour When the birds of dawn slumbered In the stillness of the nig…
Bradford (John, a martyr of the Reformation),—1555. " Be of good comfort, brother, for we shall have a merry suppe…
Bruno (Giordano, philosopher of an independent and speculative mind. He was burned at Rome in 1600 by the Inquisition o…
Bruce (Robert, distinguished divine of the Scottish Church), about 1554-1631. " Now God be with you, my dear child…
Bradford (John, a martyr of the Reformation),—1555. " Be of good comfort, brother, for we shall have a merry suppe…
Bruno (Giordano, philosopher of an independent and speculative mind. He was burned at Rome in 1600 by the Inquisition o…
Buonarotti (Michael Angelo), 1474-1564. " My soul I resign to God, my body to the earth, and my worldly possession…
Theodora, a beautiful young lady of Antioch, on refusing to sacrifice to the Roman idols, was condemned to the stews, t…
Gallus, the emperor, having concluded his wars, a plague broke out in the empire: sacrifices to the pagan deities were …
Cyril, bishop of Gortyna, was seized by order of Lucius, the governor of that place, who, nevertheless, exhorted him to…
Agatha, a Sicilian lady, was not more remarkable for her personal and acquired endowments, than her piety; her beauty w…
Trypho and Respicius, two eminent men, were seized as Christians, and imprisoned at Nice. Their feet were pierced with …
Origen, the celebrated presbyter and catechist of Alexandria, at the age of sixty-four, was seized, thrown into a loath…
Babylas, a Christian of a liberal education, became bishop of Antioch, A.D. 237, on the demise of Zebinus. He acted wit…
Denisa, a young woman of only sixteen years of age, who beheld this terrible judgment, suddenly exclaimed, "O unha…
Lucian and Marcian, two wicked pagans, though skilful magicians, becoming converts to Christianity, to make amends for …
Nichomachus, being brought before the proconsul as a Christian, was ordered to sacrifice to the pagan idols. Nichomachu…
In the year of our Lord 251, the emperor Decius having erected a pagan temple at Ephesus, he commanded all who were in …