Cameroon Poetry

War by Patrice Kayo

Thunderous vapours! water-spout with lion’s teeth A trumpet sounds the end of things with its scabby tongue But no, but…

Song of the Initiate by Patrice Kayo

All the wives of my father pulled my mother to bits But their children cannot dance It is I who have taken my father’s …

Exile by Mbella Sonne Dipoko

In silence The overloaded canoe leaves our shores But who are these soldiers in camouflage, These clouds going to rain …

Pain by Mbella Sonne Dipoko

All was quiet in this park Until the wind, like a gasping messenger, announced The tyrant’s coming Then did the branche…

Our Life by Mbella Sonne Dipoko

An ailing bird over the desert made its agony A song blown through the air As at the oasis Drawers of water said How lo…

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