Lovesong for my Wasteland, Sequence VII - Bound to remember by Remi Raji: Poem and Complete Analysis

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General Introduction 

"Love Song for my Wasteland, Sequence VII" by Remi Raji is a powerful and evocative poem that delves into themes of memory, grief, and vengeance. Through its vivid imagery and raw emotion, the poem explores the enduring impact of violence and injustice on the human spirit. 

The Poem

 Lovesong for my Wasteland, Sequence VII - Bound to remember

no water runs where the Niger flows

no fish swims where the Benue berths

my spirit is grieved, my grief is long like the rivers

i will not forgive i will not forget

i will be like God vengeance of truth

i will be thunder in the kidneys of liars

i will remember the tadpole head

of our terrible tales i will remember

the necklace of the albatross

hanging in the hearts of butchers

i will remember the bomb-game goon

i will remember his landmines of lies

i will remember the oasis of blood

no water runs where the Niger flows

no fish swims where the Benue berths

my spirit is grieved, my grief is long like the rivers

how will i forget the pain

when i remember the knife and see the scar?

no water runs where the Niger flows

no fish swims where the Benue berths

my spirit is...


i see rodents still

i see reptiles in new skins

i see bats flying above the flood

and i smell the odour in the air

which betrays the anus of the tribe

dressed but naked like prostitutes...

oh, i am grieved beyond forgeting…

Stanza by Stanza Analysis 

Stanza 1:

The poem opens with a stark declaration: "Bound to remember." This phrase immediately sets the tone for the rest of the poem, signaling the speaker's unwavering commitment to preserving the memory of past atrocities. The imagery of stagnant water and barren rivers—where "no water runs where the Niger flows / no fish swims where the Benue berths"—serves as a metaphor for the desolation and emptiness left in the wake of violence. This imagery sets the stage for the speaker's expression of grief and determination to seek justice.

Stanza 2:

In this stanza, the speaker's grief is palpable as they declare, "my spirit is grieved, my grief is long like the rivers." The repetition of "I will not forgive I will not forget" underscores the speaker's resolve to hold onto their pain and anger, refusing to let go of the past. The speaker's declaration to be "like God vengeance of truth" and "thunder in the kidneys of liars" reveals their desire for retribution and justice against those who have caused harm.

Stanza 3:

The imagery in this stanza is particularly striking, as the speaker vividly recalls the horrors of the past. References to "the tadpole head / of our terrible tales" and "the necklace of the albatross / hanging in the hearts of butchers" evoke a sense of brutality and injustice. These images serve to underscore the lasting impact of violence on both individual lives and collective memory.

Stanza 4:

The repetition of the phrase "no water runs where the Niger flows / no fish swims where the Benue berths" reinforces the sense of desolation and loss described earlier in the poem. The speaker's grief is once again emphasized, as they declare, "my spirit is... grieved." This repetition serves to heighten the emotional intensity of the poem, as the speaker grapples with the weight of their pain and sorrow.

Stanza 5:

In this final stanza, the speaker's grief is palpable as they describe the ongoing presence of danger and betrayal. The imagery of rodents, reptiles, and bats serves to evoke a sense of unease and foreboding, suggesting that the scars of the past continue to haunt the present. The final line, "oh, I am grieved beyond forgetting," serves as a poignant conclusion to the poem, highlighting the speaker's profound sense of loss and despair.

Thematic Analysis:

"Love Song for my Wasteland, Sequence VII" explores themes of memory, grief, and vengeance in the aftermath of violence. Through its vivid imagery and raw emotion, the poem confronts the lasting impact of past atrocities on individual lives and collective memory. The speaker's unwavering determination to remember and seek justice serves as a powerful indictment of the cycle of violence and oppression that continues to plague society.

The themes explored in "Love Song for my Wasteland, Sequence VII" by Remi Raji are profound and multifaceted, reflecting the complexities of human experience in the aftermath of violence and injustice. Here are the key themes present in the poem:

1. Memory and Remembrance: Central to the poem is the theme of memory and remembrance. The speaker is bound to remember the atrocities of the past, refusing to forget the pain and suffering endured. This theme highlights the importance of acknowledging and preserving collective memory as a means of honoring the experiences of those who have suffered.

2. Grief and Loss: The poem is permeated with a sense of profound grief and loss. The speaker's spirit is grieved, their grief likened to the long rivers where no water runs. This theme speaks to the enduring emotional impact of violence and injustice, highlighting the depth of sorrow experienced by individuals and communities affected by such trauma.

3. Justice and Vengeance: The poem grapples with the themes of justice and vengeance, as the speaker declares their intention to be like God's vengeance of truth and thunder in the kidneys of liars. This theme reflects the desire for accountability and retribution in the face of injustice, underscoring the need for accountability and accountability for those responsible for perpetuating violence and oppression.

4. Desolation and Betrayal: The imagery of barren rivers and stagnant water symbolizes desolation and betrayal, reflecting the devastation wrought by violence and oppression. This theme highlights the sense of emptiness and betrayal experienced by individuals and communities whose lives have been shattered by systemic injustice.

5. Resilience and Endurance: Despite the pervasive grief and desolation depicted in the poem, there is an underlying theme of resilience and endurance. The speaker's unwavering commitment to remember and seek justice speaks to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, emphasizing the capacity of individuals and communities to persevere in the pursuit of truth and accountability.

Overall, "Love Song for my Wasteland, Sequence VII" explores themes of memory, grief, justice, desolation, and resilience, offering a poignant reflection on the enduring impact of violence and injustice on the human experience. Through its vivid imagery and raw emotion, the poem challenges readers to confront the complexities of the past and the ongoing struggle for truth and accountability in the face of oppression.

Structural Analysis:

Structurally, the poem is composed of five stanzas of varying lengths, each contributing to the overall emotional and thematic resonance of the poem. The repetition of certain phrases and images serves to reinforce the sense of desolation and despair described throughout the poem, while also highlighting the speaker's steadfast commitment to remembering the past.


"Love Song for my Wasteland, Sequence VII" by Remi Raji is a haunting and poignant exploration of memory, grief, and vengeance in the aftermath of violence. Through its vivid imagery and raw emotion, the poem confronts the enduring impact of past atrocities on individual lives and collective memory. The speaker's unwavering determination to remember and seek justice serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.


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