Dreamtalk by Remi Raji: The Poem and Complete Analysis

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General Introduction 

"D(caps)reamtalk" by Remi Raji is a deeply introspective and evocative poem that delves into themes of identity, connection, and the transformative power of love. Through its rich imagery, metaphorical language, and poignant reflections, the poem invites readers on a journey of self-discovery and interpersonal exploration. 

The Poem: Dreamtalk

(with musical accompaniment: drum, cello or guitar)

I will like to turn you inside out and step into your skin

To be, that sober shadow in the mirror of indifference

Look at me, slowly, behold the irises wherein you hide

Wherein lies the ultrasound of hidden bleeding images

And because you shift, you shift, you shift and shift

I can tell you cringe to see the hypnosis of your own silence

For I am the last tomb of an invisible age of the dead

I am the first to spread the resilience of resurrection

For you I tremble to speak like the restless trombone

I thirst to contain songs like the basket of chants

But you shift, you shift

You shift like the cynical child of an impatient father

You shift because you fear to hear your own mimicry

You shift and run like the extra day in a leap year

I will wait at the dock of your roundtrip pretence

Or like grandfather's ageless stool in the square

I will wait never to abandon you to this deafness

I will like to tell you things you know but never know.

And because ours is a deep-scarred cataract of anguish

I will love you still in this age of hate and cholera

When you reach the crossroads where nothing means

Then you will read the road map on my face

And out of my lips will fall the seductive words of life

Because death is nothing but impossible silence

And out of your lips the first syllables of light

The first theorem of delight, the first desire of forgotten desires

Together we shall surprise the world of the spirit

Together we'll be the envy of the world of the flesh

In your shadow I will see myself and you in mine

And no one mirror will contain the sinews of our image

We will walk a thousand years back, back

To the hills, valleys and the beach of beginnings

You will use my voice to compose new songs

And when I open my mouth, the voice will be yours

In the fresh frenzy in the lyrical light

In the volcano of valiant passion, in these-

We will dream dreams and our dreams will become

The cushion stones of new times, new seeds, new fruits

Our dream, my dream, but where are you in this trance

I will go back to the crossroads I'm sure you're waiting…

Stanza by Stanza Analysis 

Stanza 1:

The poem opens with a bold declaration of intimacy and longing: "I will like to turn you inside out and step into your skin." This imagery immediately sets a tone of intimacy and vulnerability, as the speaker expresses a desire to deeply understand and connect with the beloved. The metaphor of being "that sober shadow in the mirror of indifference" suggests a yearning to penetrate the surface and uncover the hidden depths of the beloved's identity.

Stanza 2:

In this stanza, the speaker implores the beloved to look at them slowly and behold the hidden truths within their eyes. The imagery of "the irises wherein you hide" and "the ultrasound of hidden bleeding images" suggests a sense of depth and complexity beneath the surface. The speaker longs for the beloved to confront the hypnotic power of their own silence, acknowledging the discomfort that comes with self-reflection and introspection.

Stanza 3:

The repetition of "you shift, you shift, you shift and shift" underscores the theme of impermanence and uncertainty. The speaker observes the beloved's restless movement and cringing, suggesting a discomfort with confronting their own truths. The metaphor of being "the last tomb of an invisible age of the dead" and "the first to spread the resilience of resurrection" highlights the speaker's role as a witness to the beloved's inner turmoil and their capacity for transformation.

Stanza 4:

In this stanza, the speaker expresses a longing to communicate and connect with the beloved through language and music. The imagery of trembling to speak "like the restless trombone" and thirsting to contain songs "like the basket of chants" emphasizes the power of expression and creativity in forging connections. However, the beloved's continued shifting and avoidance of self-confrontation hinder the speaker's efforts to communicate authentically.

Stanza 5:

The speaker waits patiently for the beloved, likening themselves to a steadfast presence amidst the beloved's pretense and avoidance. The metaphor of waiting at the dock or sitting like "grandfather's ageless stool in the square" suggests a sense of patience and endurance in the face of uncertainty and resistance. The speaker remains committed to the beloved, refusing to abandon them to their own deafness and isolation.

Stanza 6:

Here, the speaker reflects on the depth of their connection with the beloved, acknowledging the scars of their shared past and the enduring nature of their love. Despite the challenges of living in an age of hate and cholera, the speaker expresses a steadfast commitment to loving the beloved unconditionally. This theme of love in the face of adversity underscores the transformative power of love to transcend even the darkest of circumstances.

Stanza 7:

The final stanza of the poem celebrates the potential for renewal and transformation through love and shared dreams. The speaker envisions a future where they and the beloved are united in spirit and purpose, walking together towards a brighter tomorrow. The imagery of composing new songs and sharing voices highlights the collaborative nature of their relationship, suggesting that together they can create something beautiful and enduring.

Thematic Analysis:

"Dreamtalk" explores themes of intimacy, vulnerability, self-discovery, and the transformative power of love. Through its rich imagery and metaphorical language, the poem invites readers to reflect on the complexities of human relationships and the capacity for love to transcend barriers and bring about profound personal and interpersonal transformation.

"Dreamtalk" by Remi Raji explores several themes that enrich the poem's narrative and emotional depth:

1. Intimacy and Vulnerability: The poem delves into the theme of intimacy, as the speaker expresses a desire to deeply understand and connect with the beloved. This intimacy is portrayed through the speaker's longing to "turn you inside out and step into your skin," highlighting a profound desire to penetrate the surface and uncover the hidden truths of the beloved's identity. The vulnerability inherent in this desire underscores the depth of emotional connection sought by the speaker.

2. Self-Reflection and Identity: Throughout the poem, there is a recurring theme of self-reflection and identity. The speaker implores the beloved to confront their own truths and hidden depths, acknowledging the discomfort that comes with self-examination. This theme invites reflection on the complexities of personal identity and the journey of self-discovery, as individuals grapple with their own internal contradictions and hidden desires.

3. Communication and Connection: "Dreamtalk" also explores the theme of communication and connection, particularly through language and music. The speaker expresses a longing to communicate authentically with the beloved, using language and music as vehicles for emotional expression and connection. However, the beloved's avoidance and shifting behavior hinder the speaker's efforts to establish a genuine connection, highlighting the challenges of effective communication in relationships.

4. Endurance and Commitment: Another prominent theme in the poem is endurance and commitment. Despite the beloved's shifting and avoidance, the speaker remains steadfast in their commitment to waiting and supporting the beloved through their journey of self-discovery. This theme underscores the resilience and perseverance required in maintaining intimate relationships, even in the face of uncertainty and resistance.

5. Love and Transformation: Ultimately, "Dreamtalk" explores the transformative power of love. The speaker's unwavering commitment to loving the beloved unconditionally, even in the face of adversity, highlights love as a catalyst for personal and interpersonal transformation. Through love, the speaker envisions a future where they and the beloved are united in spirit and purpose, walking together towards a brighter tomorrow. This theme celebrates the redemptive and transformative potential of love to transcend barriers and bring about profound personal and interpersonal growth.

 "Dreamtalk" by Remi Raji navigates themes of intimacy, vulnerability, self-reflection, communication, endurance, commitment, and the transformative power of love. Through its rich imagery and emotional resonance, the poem invites readers to reflect on the complexities of human relationships and the profound impact of love on personal and interpersonal growth.

Structural Analysis:

Structurally, the poem is composed of seven stanzas of varying lengths, each contributing to the overall emotional and thematic resonance of the poem. The progression from longing and introspection to commitment and renewal creates a sense of narrative cohesion and emotional depth, guiding readers through the speaker's journey of self-discovery and interpersonal exploration.


"Dreamtalk" by Remi Raji is a poignant and introspective exploration of intimacy, vulnerability, and the transformative power of love. Through its vivid imagery, metaphorical language, and poignant reflections, the poem invites readers on a journey of self-discovery and interpersonal exploration, encouraging them to reflect on the complexities of human relationships and the capacity for love to transcend barriers and bring about profound personal and interpersonal transformation.


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