The Complete Analysis of The Mesh by Kwesi Brew

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 General Introduction 

"The Mesh" by Kwesi Brew explores the theme of decision-making and love. Set at a crossroads, the poem's speaker grapples with a choice: to leave or to stay with their companion. However, it is the illumination of love, symbolized by a lamp, that guides the speaker's decision, ultimately leading them to choose the path of love and togetherness. Through concise yet evocative language, Brew captures the complexities of human emotions and the transformative power of love in navigating life's uncertainties.

The Title

The title "The Mesh" likely refers to the intricate interconnection or entanglement of emotions, choices, and relationships depicted in the poem. Just as a mesh is made up of interconnected threads, the poem explores the intricate connections between the speaker, their companion, and the decision they must make. The title suggests a complex and layered exploration of these themes within the poem.

Literary Devices

In "The Mesh" by Kwesi Brew, several literary devices contribute to the poem's depth and meaning:

1. Metaphor: The lamp of love is a metaphor for guidance and clarity in making decisions amidst doubt and darkness.

2. Symbolism: The crossroads symbolize a pivotal moment or decision in life, while the darkness represents uncertainty and hesitation.

3. Personification: The act of lifting the lamp of love is personified, giving human-like qualities to the abstract concept of love.

4. Imagery: The use of vivid imagery, such as "darkness of my doubts" and "I saw in your face," creates sensory experiences that evoke emotion and deepen the reader's understanding.

5. Alliteration: The repetition of the 'l' sound in "linger," "choice," and "darkness" creates a rhythmic quality and emphasizes the speaker's contemplation.

6. Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds in "cross-roads," "either," and "leave" adds musicality to the poem and enhances its flow.

7. Enjambment: The use of enjambment, or the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, creates a sense of fluidity and movement in the poem.

These literary devices work together to enrich the poem's language and convey its themes of decision-making, love, and illumination.


Several themes are present in "The Mesh" by Kwesi Brew:

1. Love and Guidance: The poem explores the transformative power of love in guiding the speaker's decision-making process. Love is portrayed as a guiding light that provides clarity and direction in times of uncertainty.

2. Choice and Decision-making: The poem revolves around the theme of making choices, particularly when faced with important decisions at crucial moments in life. The speaker grapples with the decision to either leave or stay with their companion, highlighting the complexities of decision-making and the consequences of our choices.

3. Uncertainty and Doubt: The darkness and doubts described in the poem represent the uncertainty that accompanies decision-making. The speaker struggles to find clarity and direction until love illuminates their path.

4. Fate and Destiny: The crossroads symbolize the idea of fate and destiny, suggesting that certain choices may be predetermined or guided by forces beyond our control. The speaker's decision at the crossroads reflects their destiny and the path they are meant to take.

5. Transformation and Growth: Through the speaker's decision to follow the road illuminated by love, the poem explores themes of personal growth and transformation. The speaker undergoes a change, moving from doubt and hesitation to clarity and resolution.

These themes intertwine to create a rich tapestry of emotion and meaning in the poem, inviting readers to reflect on the complexities of love, choice, and the human experience.

Tone and Mood

The tone of "The Mesh" by Kwesi Brew is contemplative and reflective. The speaker grapples with a significant decision at the crossroads of their life, evoking a sense of introspection and deep thought. There is a hint of uncertainty and hesitation in the tone as the speaker weighs their options, yet there is also a sense of hope and clarity that emerges as love illuminates their path. Overall, the tone conveys a sense of vulnerability and emotional depth.

The mood of the poem is one of introspective contemplation tinged with warmth and reassurance. The initial darkness and doubt create a somber mood, but the emergence of love's light brings a sense of warmth and comfort. Ultimately, the mood shifts towards one of resolution and contentment as the speaker finds direction and clarity in their decision. The mood evokes a sense of reassurance and optimism, despite the uncertainties inherent in life's choices.

Language and Diction

In "The Mesh" by Kwesi Brew, the language and diction play a crucial role in conveying the poem's themes and emotions.

1. Simplicity: The language used is straightforward and simple, allowing the reader to easily grasp the meaning and emotion behind the words. This simplicity adds to the accessibility of the poem's themes of love, choice, and uncertainty.

2. Symbolism: Brew utilizes symbolic language to convey deeper meanings. For example, the "lamp of love" symbolizes guidance and clarity in decision-making, while the "cross-roads" represent significant choices in life.

3. Concreteness: The diction is concrete and tangible, with imagery that appeals to the senses. Phrases like "darkness of my doubts" and "I saw in your face" create vivid mental images that evoke emotion and deepen the reader's connection to the poem.

4. Emotive Language: Brew employs emotive language to convey the speaker's internal struggles and emotional journey. Words like "linger," "doubts," and "lifted" evoke feelings of hesitation, uncertainty, and relief, respectively.

5. Rhythm and Sound: The poem's language is carefully crafted to create a rhythmic flow and enhance its musicality. Alliteration, assonance, and enjambment contribute to the poem's lyrical quality, making it pleasing to read aloud.

Overall, Brew's choice of language and diction serves to enhance the poem's themes, evoke emotion, and engage the reader in a profound exploration of love, choice, and illumination.


"The Mesh" by Kwesi Brew was written during a period of significant cultural and political change in Ghana and Africa as a whole. Kwesi Brew was a Ghanaian poet known for his contributions to African literature and his exploration of themes related to African identity, culture, and societal issues.

During the time when "The Mesh" was likely written, Ghana was experiencing post-colonial challenges and striving for independence and self-determination. This context of political and social transformation likely influenced Brew's poetry, including his exploration of themes such as choice, uncertainty, and love.

Additionally, Brew's work often reflects the oral tradition and storytelling heritage of Africa. He drew inspiration from Ghanaian folklore, proverbs, and cultural practices, infusing his poetry with a sense of authenticity and cultural richness.

Understanding this historical and cultural context provides insight into the themes and imagery present in "The Mesh" and enhances our appreciation of Brew's contribution to African literature.


"The Mesh" by Kwesi Brew is a poignant exploration of love, choice, and uncertainty, set against the backdrop of personal and cultural transformation. Through its evocative language, symbolic imagery, and introspective tone, the poem invites readers to contemplate the complexities of decision-making and the transformative power of love. As we journey with the speaker through the crossroads of life, we are reminded of the importance of following our hearts and trusting in the guiding light of love, even in the face of darkness and doubt. Ultimately, "The Mesh" serves as a timeless reflection on the human experience, offering both solace and inspiration to those navigating the complexities of life's choices.


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