I walked upon a deserted night before
The gathering of Harvest,companion at a god's Pre-banquet.
The hills of Idanre beckoned me
As who would yield her secrets,locked
In sepulchral granite.
Sightless eyes prayed haste upon
His slow descent,incurious to behold
The claws of day rip wide the weakened shutters Of a mind divine.
Who knows from what savage
Tumours,Hoods a god's remorse.
A child averts his eye from an elder's
Nakedness;pursued by blood in his lone descent The silence said,Go your way,and if
Our dead pass you on your way,smooth their path
To where is home.
He who had sought heights inaccessible to safeguard
The vital fint,heard,not voices whom the hour
Of death had made all onc,nor futile flight
But the assertive act of Atunda,and he was shamed
In recognition of the grim particular
It will be time enough,and space,when we are dead
To be a spoonful of the protoplasmic broth
Cold in wind-tunnels,lava How of nether worlds
Deaf to thunder blind to light,comatose
In one omni-sentient cauldron
Time enough to abdicate to astral tidincss
The all in one,superior annihilation of the poet's
Diversity -oh how his words condemn him,who declared
A fragrancc in the stars,plunged to the mind's abyss
In contemplation of a desert welll
I shall remain in knowledge of myself,as Idanre's
Bold concretion at the night,wear its anonymity
Not dissolution.
For who will stand beside
The god,who welcome rain,who celebrate
Idanre Iterate carbuncle of Night?
Who,inhesion of disparate senses,of matter
Thought,entities and motions,who sleep-walk
Incensed in Nirvana-a code of Passage
And the Night -who,cloyed,a mote in homogencous gel
Touch the living and the dead:
Rather,may we celebrate the stray electron,defiant
Of patterns,celebrate the splitting of the gods
Cannonisation of the strong hand of a slave who set
The rock in revolution -and the
Boulder cannot
Up the hill in time's unwind.
You who have borne the first separation,bide you
Severed still;he who guards the Creative Flint
Walks,purged spirit,contemptuous of womb-yearnings
He shall teach us to ignite our several kilns
And glory in each bronzed emergence.
All hail Saint Atunda,
First revolutionary
Grand iconoclast at genesis -and the rest in logic
Zeus,Osiris,Jahweh,Christ in trifoliate
Pact with creation,and the wisdom of
Orunmila,Ifa Divining eyes,multiform
Evolution of the self-devouring snake to spatials
New in symbol,banked loop of the ‘Mobius Strip'
And interlock of re-creative rings,one surface
Yet full comb of angles,uni-plane, yet sensuous with
Complexities of mind and motion.
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