Analysis of Song of the Market Woman by Niyi Osundare

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General Introduction 

"Song of the Market Woman" by Niyi Osundare is one of the poems in The Eyes of the Earth. It paints a vivid picture of a marketplace through the voice of a strong and resourceful woman. The poem explores themes of social inequality, economic hardship, and the resilience of the human spirit. 


 Social Inequality: The poem highlights the stark contrast between the wealthy and the poor. The market woman struggles to make ends meet, while others live in luxury. 

 Economic Hardship: The harsh realities of poverty are portrayed through the woman's daily grind. She faces price inflation, fierce competition, and the constant threat of bad debt.

 Resilience: Despite the hardships, the market woman embodies a spirit of resilience. She works hard, uses her voice, and finds joy in her work and community.

Structure and Techniques

The poem has a dynamic structure, mirroring the fast-paced environment of a marketplace.

 Dramatic Monologue: The entire poem is from the perspective of the market woman, giving her voice and agency.

 Vivid Language: Osundare uses energetic verbs and sensory details to create a vibrant atmosphere. You can almost hear the haggling and smell the spices.

 Metaphor: Everyday objects like tomatoes and onions become metaphors for the struggles and triumphs of the market woman.

 Irony: There is a sense of irony in the woman's song. She sings while facing hardship, highlighting her strength and resourcefulness.


 The poem can be seen as a celebration of the informal economy and the vital role market women play in keeping communities fed.

 It can also be a critique of social and economic inequalities that leave hard-working people struggling to survive.

 The market woman's song signifies the power of resilience and the human spirit's ability to find joy even in difficult circumstances.

In Conclusion

"Song of the Market Woman" is a powerful and evocative poem that gives voice to the often-marginalized experience of market women. It sheds light on social and economic issues while celebrating human resilience and the importance of community.

Further Exploration

 Research the role of market women in Nigerian society to understand their economic and social significance.

 Explore Osundare's other poems in his collection "Songs of the Marketplace" to see how he portrays different aspects of Nigerian society.

 Consider how the poem might resonate with experiences of street vendors or market women in other cultures. 

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