Analysis of An Old Man in Church by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali

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 General Introduction

"An Old Man in Church" by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali presents a poignant portrayal of an elderly man's devout religious practices and the contrast between his humble offerings and the ostentatious displays of wealth within the church. The poem highlights the sincerity and depth of the old man's faith as he seeks solace and spiritual nourishment amidst the trappings of organized religion. Through vivid imagery and powerful language, Mtshali explores themes of piety, humility, and the true essence of worship.


The poem "An Old Man in Church" by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali explores several themes, including:

1. Faith and spirituality: The poem delves into the old man's deep religious devotion and his reliance on attending church to "recharge his spiritual batteries." It portrays the significance of faith in his life and the ways in which he expresses his spirituality through prayer, communion, and participation in religious rituals.

2. Humility and simplicity: The old man's humble demeanor and simple gestures, such as kneeling on the bare floor to pray and offering a meager cent piece, contrast with the opulence and grandeur often associated with church ceremonies. This juxtaposition highlights the theme of humility and the idea that true worship is not dependent on material wealth or extravagant displays.

3. Social class and disparity: The poem touches on issues of social class and economic disparity within the church community, as seen in the old man's modest offering compared to the luxurious surroundings and expensive rituals. It suggests a critique of the materialism and judgmental attitudes present in some religious contexts.

4. Authenticity and sincerity: Despite the disparities and judgmental attitudes around him, the old man's sincerity in his faith and worship shines through. His genuine prayers, heartfelt screams, and cracked lips thirsty for peace reflect an authentic connection to his spiritual beliefs, emphasizing the importance of sincerity in religious practice.

Overall, "An Old Man in Church" explores the complexities of faith, humility, and social dynamics within the context of organized religion, inviting readers to reflect on the true essence of spirituality and worship.

Literary Devices

"An Old Man in Church" by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali employs several literary devices to enhance its meaning and impact, including:

1. Imagery: The poem uses vivid imagery to evoke sensory experiences and create a rich, detailed portrayal of the old man's religious practices. Examples include "raw knees," "bare floor," "gnarled hands," and "cracked lips thirsty for peace."

2. Metaphor: The poem contains metaphorical language to convey deeper meanings and associations. For instance, the old man's prayer hitting "God's heart with screams as hard as stones flung from the slingshot of his soul" metaphorically depicts the intensity and sincerity of his supplication.

3. Symbolism: Various symbols are employed throughout the poem to represent abstract concepts or ideas. For example, the church itself symbolizes spirituality and religious practice, while the old man's meager cent piece symbolizes humility and sincerity in his offering.

4. Contrast: The poem juxtaposes contrasting elements, such as the old man's simplicity and humility against the grandeur and materialism of the church environment. This contrast serves to highlight themes of authenticity, social disparity, and the true essence of worship.

5. Personification: The poem personifies abstract concepts, such as God's heart being struck by the old man's prayers and the preacher's voice being described as "fiery with holy fervor." This personification adds depth and emotion to the poem's imagery.

6. Alliteration: Mtshali employs alliteration, the repetition of consonant sounds, to create rhythm and emphasis. An example is found in the line "his brow rippling with devotion," where the repeated "r" sound adds musicality to the verse.

7. Irony: The poem utilizes irony to underscore the contrast between the old man's genuine faith and the superficiality or judgmental attitudes of others within the church community. An example is seen in the reaction of the acolyte to the old man's modest offering, which contrasts with the true value of the old man's sincerity in worship.

Language and Diction

In "An Old Man in Church," Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali utilizes language and diction to convey the themes, emotions, and imagery of the poem effectively. Here are some aspects of language and diction employed in the poem:

1. Formal vs. Informal Language: The poem contains a mix of formal language, especially when describing religious rituals and settings, and informal language, particularly in portraying the old man's humble actions and thoughts. This contrast adds depth and authenticity to the portrayal of the characters and their environment.

2. Evocative Imagery: Mtshali uses descriptive language to paint vivid images in the reader's mind. From "raw knees" to "cracked lips thirsty for peace," the imagery creates a sensory experience that helps to immerse the reader in the scene and emotions of the poem.

3. Figurative Language: The poet employs various forms of figurative language, such as metaphor and personification, to convey abstract ideas and emotions in tangible terms. For example, the metaphor comparing the old man's prayers to "stones flung from the slingshot of his soul" vividly depicts the intensity and sincerity of his supplication.

4. Religious Terminology: Given the subject matter of the poem, religious terminology and references are prevalent throughout. Terms like "church," "prayer," "communion," and "pulpit" contribute to the religious context and atmosphere of the poem.

5. Emotional Tone: The language and diction evoke a range of emotions, from reverence and piety to indignation and empathy. The poet's choice of words and phrases, as well as the emotional resonance of the imagery, contribute to the overall tone and mood of the poem.

6. Symbolic Language: Mtshali employs symbolic language to imbue objects and actions with deeper meaning. For example, the old man's offering of a cent piece symbolizes his humility and sincerity, while the preacher's "fiery" voice symbolizes the intensity of religious fervor.

7. Rhythmic Flow: The poet utilizes rhythmic language and diction to create a flowing cadence that enhances the musicality and readability of the poem. This rhythmic flow contributes to the overall aesthetic appeal and impact of the poem on the reader.

Through the strategic use of language and diction, Mtshali crafts a powerful and evocative poem that resonates with readers on multiple levels.


The structure of "An Old Man in Church" by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali contributes significantly to the poem's impact and effectiveness. Here are some key aspects of its structure:

1. Stanzaic Form: The poem is divided into stanzas, each containing a set number of lines. This division helps organize the poem's content and allows for thematic development within each stanza.

2. Free Verse: The poem does not adhere to a strict rhyme scheme or metrical pattern, making it a free verse poem. This lack of formal structure gives the poet flexibility in expressing ideas and emotions, allowing for a more natural and organic flow of language.

3. Enjambment: Mtshali employs enjambment, where a sentence or phrase continues from one line to the next without a pause, throughout the poem. This technique creates a sense of fluidity and momentum, guiding the reader smoothly from one idea to the next.

4. Repetition: The poet uses repetition of certain words and phrases for emphasis and to reinforce key themes and imagery. For example, the repetition of "He" at the beginning of several lines highlights the focus on the old man's actions and experiences.

5. Shifts in Focus: The poem contains shifts in focus, moving between descriptions of the old man's religious practices, observations of the church environment, and reflections on societal attitudes. These shifts contribute to the poem's complexity and depth, allowing for a multifaceted exploration of its themes.

6. Narrative Progression: While the poem does not follow a linear narrative structure, it progresses thematically from the portrayal of the old man's devout worship to commentary on societal disparities and judgmental attitudes within the church community. This progression helps build momentum and engages the reader in a journey of reflection and introspection.

7. Conclusion: The poem concludes with a powerful statement from the preacher in the pulpit, which serves as a culmination of the themes explored throughout the poem. This conclusion leaves a lasting impression on the reader and invites further contemplation of the poem's message.

Overall, the structure of "An Old Man in Church" provides a framework for the poet to convey its themes, imagery, and emotional resonance effectively, creating a cohesive and impactful poetic experience for the reader.

Tone and Mood

The tone and mood of "An Old Man in Church" by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali are complex and multi-faceted, shifting between reverence, indignation, empathy, and introspection. Here's how the tone and mood manifest throughout the poem:

1. Reverence: The poem begins with a tone of reverence as it describes the old man's devout religious practices and his sincere efforts to connect with God. This tone is characterized by respectful language and imagery that highlight the old man's piety and devotion.

2. Indignation: As the poem progresses, it adopts a tone of indignation, particularly when portraying the contrast between the old man's humble offerings and the ostentatious displays of wealth within the church. This tone reflects the poet's critique of societal disparities and materialism, as well as the judgmental attitudes present in some religious contexts.

3. Empathy: Despite the critique embedded in the poem, there is also a tone of empathy towards the old man and his genuine faith. The poet's use of vivid imagery and descriptive language invites readers to empathize with the old man's struggles and to appreciate the sincerity of his worship.

4. Introspection: The poem encourages introspection through its exploration of themes related to faith, humility, and social dynamics within the church community. This tone invites readers to reflect on their own beliefs, values, and actions, prompting a deeper consideration of the true essence of spirituality and worship.

Overall, the tone and mood of "An Old Man in Church" are characterized by a blend of reverence, indignation, empathy, and introspection, creating a rich and nuanced emotional landscape that resonates with readers on multiple levels.


"An Old Man in Church" by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali reflects the socio-political context of South Africa during the time of its writing. Mtshali, a South African poet, was born in 1940 and lived through the apartheid era, a period marked by racial segregation, discrimination, and social injustice.

Within this context, the poem can be interpreted as a commentary on the role of religion in society and the disparities that existed within religious institutions during apartheid. The portrayal of the old man's devout worship, contrasted with the opulence and materialism of the church, reflects broader societal inequalities and challenges prevalent in South Africa at the time.

Additionally, the poem may also be seen as a critique of the hypocrisy and judgmental attitudes present within religious communities, where outward displays of wealth and status often overshadow the true essence of faith and spirituality. Mtshali's use of vivid imagery and powerful language serves to highlight these disparities and challenge readers to reflect on their own beliefs and actions.

Overall, "An Old Man in Church" can be understood as a poetic exploration of faith, humility, and social dynamics within the specific historical and cultural context of apartheid-era South Africa, inviting readers to consider the deeper implications of religion and societal values.


"An Old Man in Church" by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali offers a profound exploration of faith, humility, and societal disparities within the context of apartheid-era South Africa. Through vivid imagery, powerful language, and poignant themes, the poem invites readers to reflect on the true essence of spirituality and the challenges of navigating religious institutions marked by materialism and judgmental attitudes.

Mtshali's portrayal of the old man's devout worship and humble offerings serves as a poignant reminder of the sincerity and depth of faith that transcends societal inequalities. The contrast between the old man's piety and the opulence of the church environment underscores broader issues of social injustice and the need for genuine spiritual connection amidst materialistic distractions.

Ultimately, "An Old Man in Church" challenges readers to consider their own beliefs, values, and actions within the context of larger societal dynamics. It encourages introspection and empathy while offering a powerful commentary on the complexities of faith and the enduring quest for spiritual fulfillment in the face of adversity.

As the poem concludes with a fiery proclamation from the pulpit, readers are left with a lingering sense of contemplation and the recognition of the enduring human spirit's resilience and quest for meaning in the midst of challenging circumstances.

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