Analysis of Let the Earth's Pain Be Soothed by Niyi Osundare

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General Introduction 

"Let the Earth's Pain Be Soothed" by Niyi Osundare is a powerful poem that uses vivid imagery and symbolism to depict the devastating effects of drought and pleads for rain to bring relief. The poem acts as a lament for the suffering land and a call to action for the restoration of balance.


In ‘Let Earth’s Pain Be Soothed’, Osundare evokes a world after the capitalist plunder and despoliation of the earth, its resources and its ecological balance. Nature is angry with man for this despoliation. As a result the skies have refused to send down its liquid treasure (rain). Consequently, there is drought, hunger and famine. The sky carries a boil of anguish Let it burst Dust dust in brewing kitchens dust in busy bedrooms dust in retrenching factories dust in power brothels The sky carries a boil of anguish Let it burst The roofs have been silent too long the seeds noiseless in the dormitory of the soil the earth has been lying too long, and songless. (Osundare The Eye of The Earth 28).

As a result of the activities of the predators the sky is angry. There is dust everywhere in the bedroom, factories and kitchen. The seeds planted in the earth cannot germinate. The underlying meaning is that there is anger and disorder in nature. The underlying moral is that the danger posed by man to society through greed and exploitation is also carried out on a grander scale in the despoliation of the earth. In the profoundest sense, man is endangered as much as nature itself is threatened.


 Drought and Devastation: The poem paints a stark picture of a land ravaged by drought. The parched earth, cracked ground, and wilting crops depict the immense suffering caused by the lack of rain.

 Yearning for Rain: The poem emphasizes the desperate need for rain. Each line beginning with "Let it rain" acts as a plea for relief, highlighting the life-giving power of water.

 Social Impact: While the focus is on the land, the poem suggests the drought's impact on the people who depend on it for their livelihood. Hunger and hardship are implied through the imagery of parched throats and empty bellies. 

Structure and Techniques

The poem has a clear and concise structure, mirroring the urgency of the situation.

 Repetition: The constant refrain of "Let it rain" emphasizes the desperate need for water and creates a sense of rhythm and urgency.

 Imagery: Vivid imagery brings the drought to life, with descriptions of cracked earth, wilting leaves, and thirsting throats.

 Symbolism: Rain is a powerful symbol of life and renewal. The parched earth symbolizes the suffering of the land and its inhabitants.

 Juxtaposition: The poem might juxtapose images of past fertility with the current barrenness, highlighting the severity of the drought.

Possible Interpretations

 The poem can be seen as a call for rain, not just in a literal sense, but also as a metaphor for hope and change. 

 It can be interpreted as a critique of human actions that contribute to environmental degradation and climate change.

 On a social level, the poem might be a plea for action from those in power to address the suffering caused by drought and ensure food security. 

In Conclusion

"Let the Earth's Pain Be Soothed" is a moving and powerful poem that captures the devastating effects of drought. It serves as a reminder of our dependence on the natural world and the urgent need to act for its preservation.

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