For Fajuyi by Wole Soyinka

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Honour late restored,early ventured to a trial

 Of Death's devising.Flare too rare

Too  brief,chivalric  steel

Redeems us living,springs the lock of Time's denial

Out  from miscr earth,thrust  from  dark,a mystery kernel

Latent till the stress of storms

Sudden soared a miracle of boughs

Recreative  temper  as  the  sun's,diurnal.

Fect will not record timbres of iron spines - Pass  over:journeys  must  end.

Home,forgotten  is  the  bridge

Gold dust in the air,sunk the burdened beam of mines

Weeds triumph.Weeds prowl the path of sandals Thonged   to   mountains,thonged

To foundries of futures

Kilns fall tepid,bled by feeble candles

Weeds triumph.What goals for pilgrim feet

But to a dearth of wills

To hills and terraces of gods

Echocs for voices,shadows for the lonely feat.

Flowers thronged his feet whose prints were fagstones Garlands  wither,weeds  abide

Who seeks breath of him

Tread the span of bridges,look not down to gravestones.


"For Fajuyi" by Wole Soyinka is a poem that honors the memory and sacrifice of General Francis Adekunle Fajuyi, a Nigerian military officer who was killed during the Nigerian Counter-Coup of 1966. Here's an analysis of its key elements:

The poem begins by acknowledging Fajuyi's bravery and honor, describing his decision to venture into a trial of death as an act of chivalry and redemption. The use of the phrase "flare too rare" emphasizes the exceptional nature of Fajuyi's character and sacrifice.

Fajuyi is likened to a "mystery kernel" thrust from the dark earth, suggesting his emergence as a figure of significance during tumultuous times. Despite the storms of adversity, Fajuyi's resilience and strength are compared to a miracle of growth and renewal, akin to the sun's daily cycle of rebirth.

The poem reflects on the transient nature of human existence, acknowledging that journeys must eventually come to an end. The imagery of the "home forgotten" and the "burdened beam of mines" sinking into the earth conveys a sense of impermanence and the inevitability of mortality.

Despite Fajuyi's heroism and sacrifice, the poem acknowledges the passage of time and the eventual fading of his memory. Weeds, symbolic of neglect and oblivion, are depicted as triumphing over the path of sandals, suggesting the erosion of Fajuyi's legacy over time.

The poem concludes with a poignant reflection on the ephemeral nature of fame and glory. While flowers may throng at Fajuyi's feet in tribute, they eventually wither and fade, while weeds, representing forgetfulness and neglect, persist. The final lines urge those who seek to honor Fajuyi to focus on his enduring spirit rather than dwelling on the transience of earthly symbols.

Overall, "For Fajuyi" is a tribute to a courageous leader whose memory is celebrated despite the passage of time. Through vivid imagery and lyrical language, the poem captures the essence of Fajuyi's legacy and underscores the importance of remembering and honoring those who have sacrificed for the greater good.


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