Native By Okogbule Wonodi

Also Read

Your eyes toe-set, 

thumb my nerves 

as you weave 

your being into frenzy; 

and your tongue, 

weaving a song, 

painting the scenes 

as I sit toe-dancing.

Then you pull 

those eyelids over 

as you bend 

downwards to dance. 

yourself into goddess; 

and your waist, 

swinging to rhythm, 

answering the drum 

as I look, headshaking.

Then light fades, 

those scenes fly

as you stretch 

your being, panting, 

and your mouth, 

muttering my name, 

stifling my nerves 

as I end my verse!

(Dedicated to Miss Eunice Akanina and the villag girls who do the dance I know so well. 21:1:63)

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