A deadly disease called Fear

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We all know what the word``` Fear```means but there are something we need to understand about  this disease.Yes,don't be surprise that I called it disease even a deadly one.Nothing kill someone slowly than ```fear``` ..Its a gradually process to devour a mind and when it attack the whole body,it will paralyse it either physically or spiritually.Many have lived their lives in this fear for years in one reason and the other but it always comes with thing we can control,things that are subject to us.
The fact is that anything we fear is the controller of our lives.
We may fear God and our relative but not all.A life that determine and know where he/she is going can't give a room to fear because when fear comes in,your focus and life ambition will be attack by this mess called ```fear``` Yes,its a mess to those that have locked it out of their lives.
Is nothing but worthless.A life that build on fear will end in fear and it will result in unprogressive. Be fearless and never let your past mistake give you fear but stand up to overcome it.See God helping you .Wish you all a fearless and a glorious week

© F O G


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