Chronicle of the Sage ____Part 3

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Right in front of me
The queen of seduction sat
With beckoning laps wide apart 
Exposing her white underwear
The flag of immoral adventures
The grave that has buried great grace

Am I so precious for the host of darkness to ignore
Why has the prince of sin welcomed me with his best agents

O cruelty against modesty in this world!
The conflict against purity is peerless in all sphere of existence

I parried my gaze from her
As if searching through the rampaging darkness
As if there stood beside me
An apparition of great fascinations
A cloud of pugnacious smoke greeted my unsteady nose

Sin is indeed the colour of the night
This darkness is drowning me

Who are these devils haunting me
I'd thought I'm a pilgrim plying the heavenward route
How does this same road lead down to Sheol

I could not look at the lady beside me
Neither could i face the one before
Where else could I turn in this world painted in sin

I busied myself on my phone for a while
But like an heartless coup 
Planned and processed in stages
My phone went off too
This is shared conspiracy
I just must face this!

I sat gingerly on the feet of compromise
A little zip would change nothing
A little banter around the kegs of wine will hurt no one
Even a little flirt will be perfect for a cold night
But I have not come this far to loss it all
The treasured I'd paid so much to keep
Will not be fed cheaply to swans

The lady offered me a cup of chin
A kind gesture I'd thought unlikely
Even when she must think me boring
"No thanks, I'm ok for now"

But that will not suffice a goddess of her clime
Years of experience has engendered an expert in her
Futile were all my plead of exemption 
From  this sup of immorality I must dine
Like the lost soul on brink of immortal flame
Pleading the Majesty of heaven for exemption
From His eternal indignation

She just stocked out her charming hands at me
I faked a smile and drew out just one straw from her cup
Broke them into edible balls
Disguising my disapproval all along

Being capable of incredible pretense
I acted as if the chin were the reasons for my clanging teeth
But they all went behind me to the dust whence they came
Thanks for the night which hid my vanity too

Then she stood and came towards me
My heart went west, east, south and north
A rumbling fear flashed through my heart
What's she gonna do now?

O finally the prophesy will be fulfilled
That all men are beasts of iniquity after all 

She was about placing her hands on me
Then she made a sudden stay and smiled
Drew back to speak to one stranger
Giving room for the other
Who came placing her hands 
On the wings of my chair
"Corper corper *************"

My ears could not interpret the rest of her statements
"What did you say please?"

"I'm just greeting you
I will soon be going home"

My heart gladdened and my spirit lifted
I responded quickly lest she change her mind

"Alright goodnight"

Devil must be weak of trying

Like the lions are giving up their chase already

I'm a being too big for the jaws of fallen angels to chew

But the night drama was not over yet

The other lady stood already beside me
Now very closed than she once was

A puzzled look and a pondering heart I asked

"What do you want sis?"

"Corper corper, I am just greeting you na
This one that you are not drinking anything
Please you will have to change o
We need to still see ourselves o
 To talk, to drink, enjoy our lives and do everything together"

"What do you mean by doing everything together?

She smiled and said
"Corper, Corper, you are very funny sha
But you will soon understand"

**************part 4 loading*******""""

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