Showing posts from July, 2016

Mother Will Cry to Death

Jesus Answers Ruth's Prayer I went to sit up all night with a very sick neighbor. I took Ruth, my little five-year-…


On board an English steamer a little ragged boy, aged nine years, was discovered on the fourth day of the voyage out fr…

The Converted Infidel

THE CONVERTED INFIDEL Some two miles from the village of C. on a road that wound in among the hills stood a great white…

Are You God's Wife?

A CHILD'S PRAYER ANSWERED The following touching incident which drew tears from my eyes, was related to me a short…

She Died a Heroine

THE CHILD HEROINE OF NEW BRUNSWICK We have read a touching incident about three little children, who, last autumn late …

Always Tell the Truth

ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH Truthfulness is a mark of Christianity. The heathen go astray, speaking lies as soon as they ar…

The Heavenly Way

There is a heaven. There is a place of rest and happiness. I have not gone to heaven, but heaven has come to me; theref…

Christ, I Die

O Christ, I die, that thou mayst live,    That thou mayst live in me;   That all I think or speak or do,    May be, O L…

Take My Life

Take my life, O Christ divine,   Make it holy, just like thine;   Every act and thought and word   Be an outflow f…

Susanna Wesley: On the Death Bed

Are You Ready (7) THE SAINTED SUSANNA WESLEY "The Mother of Methodism" was born in London in 1669, and was…

Who is a Christian?

Who is A Christian? Click on this link below and find answers today who-is-a-christian.amr

You Won't Know Me ______So Wait

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried: Quietly, patiently, lovingly God replied. I pled and I wept for a clue to …

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