The Dying Child

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The Dying Child.

A lady had a little child that was dying. She thought it was resting sweetly in the arms of Jesus. She went into the room and the child asked her: “What are those clouds and mountains that I see so dark?” “Why, Eddy,” said his mother, “there are no clouds or mountains, you must be mistaken.” “Why, yes, I see great mountains and dark clouds, and I want you to take me in your arms and carry me over the mountains.” “Ah,” said the mother, “you must pray to Jesus, He will carry you safely,” and, my friends, the sainted mother, the praying wife, may come to your bedside and wipe the damp sweat from your brow, but they cannot carry you over the Jordan when the hour comes. This mother said to her little boy, “I am afraid that it is unbelief that is coming upon you, my child, and you must pray that the Lord will be with you in your dying moments.” And the two prayed, but the boy turned to her and said: “Don’t you hear the angels, mother, over the mountains, and calling for me, and I cannot go?” “My dear boy, pray to Jesus, and He will come; He only can take you.” And the boy closed his eyes and prayed, and when he opened them a heavenly smile overspread his face as he said, “Jesus has come to carry me over the mountains.”

Dear sinner, Jesus is ready and willing to carry you over the mountains of sin, and over your mountains of unbelief. Give yourself to Him.


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